In addition to my fish, I also have two cats. Sammy, a girl, and Freddy Fartakmous, the boy.

They are brother and sister, although you wouldn't know it by looking at them, and they were born on St. Patricks day of 1998. They both have their claws still and they are spayed and neutered

Sammy is much smaller than Freddy, but also much more outgoing. She loves to get into trouble, and will find her way into everything. One time when I had emptied one of my 75 gallon fish tanks, I came downstairs to find sammy running around inside of it. Another time she took a running leap, planning to jump on top of the container I use to mix the saltwater in, and realized too late that the cover wasn't on!!! What a mess that was! But, she'll never do that again. Sammy is also 10% Domestic Short Hair and 90% Golden Retriever. At least she thinks she is anyway. She will grab a toy and bring to us, drop it, and wait until we throw it. When we do she goes running after it, then brings it back to do the whole thing over again. We can keep her busy like this for hours!

There are times that I swear she is posessed. She will run full speed from one end of the apartment to the other, using only the furniture to get to the other side, and even then only running sideways on the backs of the couches. She looks as if she's riding a dirt bike in one of those metal balls.

When we chose our kittens, we picked Sammy because she came running right up to us. Like I said before, she is very outgoing and inquisitive. Whenever we have guests over she will always try to command attention. She is affectionate, but on her own terms. She only lets herself be pet when she feels like it....and will only come to sit on your lap when the mood strikes her. She also loves to have staring contests with my cowfish. If I can ever get a picture of this, I will post it. In the picture to the left, Sammy is keeping my clown trigger entertained. I think I saw a bond...they may have been "connecting". ;-)

Now Freddy Fartakamous is just about the complete opposite of his sister. Sammy weighed in at 7lbs at her last vet visit. Freddy has to be at least twice that. It's very hard to get action shots of Freddy, because he just doesn't do much. He will stay near Sammy when she's trying to get into trouble, but he will never join in. I like to think of him as a gentle giant.

We picked Freddy from the litter because he was so cute. He was sick when we got him, so we took him to the vet and he was treated. We also thought that he might be slightly mentally retarded. It was certain things that he did while very small that led us to believe that. Now I think that he is just lazy. For the first few months we had him, sammy could never be out of his sight If he couldn't see her, he would immediately sit down and cry until she came back into view. I am glad we got both because the way he acted in the beginning, I don't think he would have survived without her.

Freddy is extremely affectionate. If he is walking by, all you have to do is just touch him lightly, and he will drop to the ground and roll over for some lovin'. However, Freddy does not like other people. When there are guests over, Freddy is nowhere to be found. If I didn't have these pictures of him, people would not believe that we had a second cat.

Both of the cats interact very well with eachother. One is usually not too far from the other. They are really a joy to have around. The only complaint I have about them is that at night, they both like to lay on my pillow while I sleep and lick my hair. It really drives me nuts!!!

To see some pictures of Sammy and Freddy from when they were little, click here.
