One of my most expensive, and most time consuming hobbies is aquaria. I've been keeping aquaria for one year now. I started with a 20 gallon long and a 30 gallon tank, then the bug bit, I don't know when, but it did. Then all of a sudden my wallet started getting thinner and my place started filling up with more and more tanks. I think that I will stay where I am now with three tanks. Partly because I live on the second floor, and I have 180 gallons of water in my livingroom. But when I hit the lotto, I am going to have a house built around my extremely large tanks.
Now I have a 75 gallon saltwater fish only, a 75 gallon reef tank. I just setup the Fish Only tank with fish on 6Apr99. I have also turned my old 30 gallon cichlid tank into a reef tank.
The info here on this page is geared more toward the beginner, as I am really just a beginner myself. Also, don't take any info that you find here as law. One thing I have found about keeping these tanks is that what works in my tank, may not work in yours. Each aquarium is it's own experiment. If there is any information you find here that you don't agree with, please let me know. I frequent newsgroups and websites to learn all I can about aquaria, but good books are just as great of a resource as any other. I recommend that everyone starting in this hobby go out and buy (read too) a few books on the subject.
There are several places on the interent where you can buy hard goods and livestock for your marine aquarium. I have made purchases from a number of these places and have a page setup with the logo's of each MO place. Each logo is a link to that paticular store. Many people want to ask a few questions to previous customers of a store before they make a purchase and this is very undersatandable. Afterall, with a reef tank, chances are you're about to make a hefty purcahse. I too would want to know everything I can about a place before I decide to give them my hard earned cash. If you see a store on this page feel free to ask me any questions you have. I'd be more than happy to help.
The Reef tank
NEW!! The Fish Only tank
EVEN NEWER!! The 30 Gallon Reef Tank